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Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
Psalm 25:4,5

As the women of Brentwood Oaks, our mission calls us to facilitate spiritual growth among women as we develop our leadership abilities, encourage, train, and challenge women to teach each other and the church. Together we foster a sense of community and strengthen personal relationships among women.

Join with us as together we commit ourselves to teach what is good, to practice self-control, and to be kind to all so that the power of God's word may be clearly visible in what we say and do.

Would you like more information? Contact the church office.

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BOCC Women’s Summer Social


Do you ever wish there were a way you could communicate with all the women at Brentwood? Do you have a question or need advice? Are you part of a group that you think others would enjoy, too? Do you wish you knew about opportunities to get to know your sisters better? Or wish that you could share a need or an opportunity quickly? 

SisterTalk is a low-volume, moderated email list for Brentwood Oaks women to encourage the development of relationships and the meeting of each other’s needs. To participate, contact the church office to be added to the list.

Tapestry Groups

Are you looking for fellowship with someone who shares your interests? Tapestry Groups are small groups of women who meet once or twice a month for varied purposes - Bible study, service, prayer, knitting, going to movies, cooking, and more. Come share the fellowship and fun!


Each woman has the opportunity to serve on the Hospitality Committee for one month each year.  The committee works together to help meet the needs of our church family during the month to grow closer to one another through service.